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Seminario Académico CEA- MIPP por web Zoom - 17 de marzo de 2021 – 01:00 PM Santiago

Attack and interception in networks – Francis Bloch; Université Paris 1  (joint with Kalyan Chatterjee and Bhaskar Dutta).

Abstract:  This paper studies a game of attack and interception in a network, where a single attacker chooses a target and a path, and each node chooses a level of protection. We show that the Nash equilibrium of the game exists and is unique. It involves a mixed strategy of the attacker except when one target has a very high value relative to others. We characterize equilibrium attack paths and attack distributions as a function of the underlying network and target values. We also show that adding a link or increasing the value of a target may harm the attacker – a comparative statics effect which is reminiscent of Braess’s paradox in transportation economics. Finally, we contrast the Nash equilibrium with the equilibria of two variations of the model: one where nodes make sequential protection decisions upon observing the arrival of a suspicious object, and one where all nodes cooperate in defense.

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