
Information, Nonexcludability, and Financial Market Structure

We study the determinants of market structure in financial intermediation markets. We establish that the input of intermediation services-information-is always non-excludable (though not necessarily non-rival), and intermediaries cannot establish property rights over it. We show that non-excludability is the main determinant of market structure, and present a theory in which market structure, margins, and employees`

Amenazas al comercio por consideraciones ambientales: El caso de la minería

La creciente preocupación en países desarrollados por el medio ambiente se ha utilizado como excusa para entrabar la importación de productos que compiten con aquellos de producción local. Por ello en este trabajo se examinan las amenazas que enfrenta Chile, y en particular el sector minero, por este motivo. Se discute en primer término las

Uvas envenenadas, vacas locas y proteccionismo

Contar con una definición adecuada de «medida proteccionista» es importante tanto desde un punto de vista conceptual como práctico. Este trabao propone una nueva definición, según la cual la medida que toma un país clasifica como `proteccionista` cuando difiere de aquella que hubiese tomado un planificador social benevolente que hubiese tenido en cuenta el bienestar

Outage Cost in Chilean Industry

This paper estimates the cost of energy shortages to Chilean industry. The information was obtained from a sample-survey carried out shortly after the 1989 electricity restriction. The results obtained show that a 10%, one-month, equi-proportional restriction involves and average net outage cost of Usc 3.2 per kWh when a limited, selective restriction is applied. We

Citizens, Autocrats, and Plotters: A Model and New Evidence on Coups D

We present a model of coups in autocracies. Assuming that policy choices cannot be observed but are correlated with the short-run performance of the economy we find that: (a) the threat of a coup disciplines autocrats; (b) coups are more likely in recessions; (c) increasing per capita income has an ambiguous effect on the probability

Explaining Investment Dynamics in U.S. Manufacturing: A Generalized (S,s) Approach

In this paper we derive a model of aggregate investment that builds from the lumpy microeconomic behavior of firms facing stochastic fixed adjustment costs. Instead of the standard (S,s) bands, firms` adjustment policies are probabilistc, with a probability of adjusting specification of the distribution of fixed adjustment costs, the adjustment hazards approach encompasses models ranging

A New Mechanism to Auction Highway Franchises

Most developing-country governments lack resources to undertake urgent highway construction programs. This has led to the suggestion that private firms should be given franchises to build, finance, operate and transfer (BOT) highways in exchange for toll revenues. We build a conceptual framework in which we analyze the virtues and limitations of different mechanisms that could

Public procurement auctions with bid subsidies and quotas, Fondecyt Regular 2018-2021

Bargaining Power and Upstream Mergers, Fondecyt Regular 2017-2019

Energy Supply under Environmental policies (con A,. Bernales)

Credit restrictions in a differentiated products trade model

Wealth Inequality and the Political Economy of Financial and Labor Markets (con D. Huerta)