
Marco conceptual para regular sustancias tóxicas en Chile (Conceptual framework for regulating toxic substances in Chile)

En este documento de trabajo se presenta una metodología para regular sustancias tóxicas atmosféricas en Chile. Esta metodología se basa en la experiencia internacional existente en la materia, acondicionada a la realidad chilena. El punto central que se destaca es que dada la complexidad en la regulación de sustancias tóxicas, las altas incertidumbres que existen

A Note on Enforcement Spending and Vat Revenues

Estimating the impact of changes in enforcement spending is of interest to tax authorities and policymakers. The literature on tax compliance usually focuses on the effect that these changes have on tax evasion, whish makes it difficult to obtain reliable estimates, since evasion data are often suspect, particularly so in developing countries. This note show

El índice de precios al consumidor y el costo de la vida (The consumer price index and the cost of living)

Este artículo tiene como objetivo ilustrar las diferencias en que se puede incurrir al estimar el aumento del costo de vida mediante el IPC, u otros índices de precios, con respecto al índice de precios verdaderos (IPV). Este índice es el que se debería usar si se quiere reajustar el ingreso de un individuo de

Toll Competition Among Congested Roads

A growing number of roads are currently financed by the private sector via Build-Operate-and-Transfer (BOT) schemes. When the franchised road has no close substitute, the government must regulate tolls. Yet when there are many ways of getting from one point to another, regulation may be avoided by allowing competition between several franchise owners. This paper

Education and Income Distribution: New Evidence from Cross-country Data

This paper presents empirical evidence on how education is related to income distribution in a panel data set of a broad range of countries for a period between 1960 and 1990. The findings indicate that education factors – higher attainment and more equal distribution of education – play a significant role in making income distribution

Política económico-social y bienestar: El caso de Chile (Economic and social policy and well-being: The case of Chile)

Este trabajo presenta una descripción de los principales lineamientos que ha tenido la política económica y social chilena durante el período 1980-1997, centrándose en la política social de la última década. Durante los ochenta, el énfasis se dirigió hacia políticas de recuperación económica, liberalización, descentralización y asistencialidad social. Por su parte, durante los noventa se

Análisis historicográfico de la literatura económica chilena (Historiographical analysis of Chilean economic literature)

Santiago is one of the few Latin American cities that has had four specialized economic journals during more than a decade. The paper authors include the most distinguished academin economists. This article examines the evolution of this academic production during 1963-1996. The type of issues and their distribution among the papers constitute the focus af

Female Labor Supply in Chile

The aim of this study is to analyze female labor supply in Chile and explain its peculiarities: the difference between female and male participation, and the pattern of female participation rates according to household income levels. To analyze the factors that affect the behavior of the female labor participation rate, we first estimate a labor

Liquidity Crises in Emerging Markets: Theory and Policy

We build a model of financial sector illiquidity in an open economy. Illiquidity –defined as a situation in which a country’s consolidated financial system has potential short-term obligations in foreign currency that exceed the amount of foreign currency it can have access to on short notice– can be associated with self fulfilling bank and/or currency

The Chilean Infrastructure Concessions Program: Evaluation, Lessons and Prospects for the Future

This paper describes and evaluates the Chilean infrastructure concessions program, which is one of the main economic innovations carried out by the center-left coalition of political parties that has governed Chile since the return to democracy in 1990. The main principles underlying the economics of franchising are discussed and used to evaluate the program, thereby

Factores que inciden en el rendimiento escolar en Bolivia (Factors effecting school performance in Bolivia)

Mejorar la calidad educativa es una de las tareas prioritarias en América Latina y particularmente en países como Bolivia, donde la educación ha comenzado a ser un tema crucial en la agenda pública, especialmente a partir de 1994 cuando se implementa una nueva Reforma Educativa. El objetivo de este trabajo es examinar los factores que

Auction Design for the Colombian Electricity Market

Colombia deregulated its electricity sector and created a new market for electricty in July 1995. The spot market price is determined by a daily auction among the producers. Though the auction is designed to foment price competition, water scarcity constraints and the relatively high utilization of production capacity at peak demand hours produce situations where