
The Derivatives Markets in Latin America with an Emphasis on Chile

Between the 1970`s and the 1980`s, the derivatives market flourished. Forwards,futures and options began to be regularly traded. According to information gathered by The Bank of International Settlements, at the end of April 2001 the value of over the counter(OTC) positions outstanding was over US$99 trillion, while the value of positionsoutstanding in organized exchanges was

Una estimación del costo social de eliminar los déficit de abastecimiento eléctrico en el SIC (An estimation of the social cost of eliminating the deficit in the SIC’s electricity supply)

Este trabajo estima el costo social de eliminar los déficit de abastecimiento eléctrico en el SIC instalando capacidad adicional permanente. Utilizamos el modelo Omsic, lo que permite estudiar el efecto de la capacidad adicional sobre el uso del agua embalsada y el plan de obras.El costo de evitar los déficit agregando capacidad adicional permanente es

Macroeconomic Management in Emerging Economies and The International Financial Architecture

In the last few years, and most recently with the crisis in Argentina, views about emerging markets and the international financial institutions have changed significantly. This paper reviews macroeconomic management in emerging economies and the role of the international financial institutions in helping to secure their stability. It discusses the role of macroeconomic policies, in

The Effects of Privatization on Firms and on Social Welfare

In this study we analyze the Chilean privatization process as a whole. Since it has been a wide-ranging process, we examine its different aspects. After a historic review of the privatization pro-cess,we study the 37 Chilean State Owned Enterprises (SOE’s) that were privatized during the period 1981-2000 and for which pre-privatization and post-privatization financial, employment

Privatizing roads: An “old” new approach to infrastructure provision

During most of the twentieth century, highways, tunnels and bridges were viewed as public goods that had to be provided by the government.By the end of the century, however, chronic budgetary problems had led governments to allow participation of private firms in financing, building,and operating infrastructure projects. For example, worldwide private invest-ment in transport infrastructure

Análisis Económico-Descriptivo de las Regiones Chilenas (Economic-descriptive analysis of the regions of Chile)

Este trabajo proporciona un análisis económico-descriptivo de las regiones de Chile, en términos de Producto Interno Bruto Regionalizado, exportaciones y población, para el período 1985-1999.Los principales resultados observados son los siguientes:a. Hay un notorio diferencial en el nivel del PIB per cápita de las regiones. El PIB per cápita de la II Región -la de

Why Do We Need Antidumping Rules?

We show that the inclusion of antidumping (AD) and countervailing subsidy (CVD) regulations can increase the range of feasible preferential trade agreements (PTA), given that governments are sensitive to pressure groups defending import competing industries. AD and CVD regulations serve as an «escape valve» for pressure groups affected by the PTA in some states of

How Sensitive is Volatility to Exchange Rate Regimes?

It is usually conjectured that the nominal exchange rate should be more volatileunder a free float than under a dirty float regime. This paper examines this issue for theChilean economy. Specifically, in September 1999 the Central Bank of Chile eliminated the floating band for the nominal exchange rate, which operated since 1984, and established a

Equity and Educational Performance

In this paper, we review the main issues under discussion in the field of economics of education, with a special focus on Latin America. We seek to organize the debate about educational policies by showing how these policies respond to different models based on different assumptions and hypotheses about how the educational system functions. Methodological

Firm Sponsored General Training in a Frictionless Labor Market

In this paper I show that, contrary to Becker`s (1962) Human Capital theory and consistent with the evidence, in a frictionless labor market model firms pay for general training, while the worker recives the full return on general training, and the worker and the firm share the returns on specific investments to underinvesttment in spacific

Transmisión y la “ley corta” I: una nota sobre riesgo y la tasa de descuento (Transmission Prices and the “Express” Law on electricity generation: a note on risk and the discount rate)

Esta nota estudia los determinantes de la tasa de descuento apropiada para fijar peajes de transmisión. Para ello se desarrolla un modelo simple que permite descomponerla en una suma de la tasa libre de riesgo y el premio por riesgo.Los principios generales son dos: (a) la tasa de descuento debiera ser variable y anclarse en

Compensation Methods in a Competitive Labor Market: the Role of Asymmetric Information

In this paper we develop an asymmetric information model that provides a rationale for the existence of pay-for-performance contracts in the absence of incentive for effort and explainswhen and in which occupations pay-for-performance is more likely to be observed. In our model competition among firms for the best workers forces firm to link pay to