
Seminario Académico CEA-MIPP - MIERCOLES 18 DE MAYO,12:00 HRS - SALA CONSEJO (401) P/4 BP - Pablo Egaña (UAI)

Socioemotional Skills Development in Highly Violent Contexts : Measurements and Impacts

Seminario Académico CEA-MIPP - MIERCOLES 13 DE ABRIL,12:00 HRS - SALA CONSEJO (401) P/4 BP - Felipe González (PUC)

The Limits of Hegemony: Banks, Covert Actions, and Foreign Firms

Seminario Académico CEA-MIPP - MIERCOLES 30 DE MARZO,12:00 HRS - SALA CONSEJO (401) P/4 BP - Benjamin Vatter, Economics Ph.D. Candidate - Northwestern University

Quality Disclosure and Regulation: Scoring Design in Medicare Advantage

Seminario Académico CEA-MIPP - MIERCOLES 16 DE MARZO,13:00HRS - SALA CONSEJO (401) P/4 BP - Jose Ignacio Cuesta (Stanford)

Quality Regulation and Competition: Evidence from Pharmaceutical Markets

Seminario Académico CEA-MIPP 15-12-2021 a las 11:00 horas - Benjamin Marx, Department of Economic, Science Po, Paris-France, por web Zoom

The Dynamic Consequences of State-Building: Evidence from the French Revolution

Seminario Académico CEA-MIPP 08-09-2021 - Elisa Durán Micco (Post Doc MIPP), por web Zoom

How Large Are Double Markups
Presenta: Elisa Durán Micco (Post Doc MIPP).

Seminario Académico CEA-MIPP 01-09-2021 - Jose Ignacio Heresi (Post Doc MIPP), por web Zoom

Coalition loyalty programs and consumer search
Presenta: Jose Ignacio Heresi (Post Doc MIPP), en coautoría con Xavier Lambin.

Seminario Académico CEA-MIPP 07-07-2021 - Mariana Zerpa (University of Leuven) por web Zoom

Dynamic Incentives in Retirement Earnings-Replacement Benefits
Mariana Zerpa (University of Leuven)

Seminario Académico CEA-MIPP 30-06-2021 - Jorge Alé Chilet (Bar-Ilan University) por web Zoom

Colluding Against Environmental Regulation
Jorge Alé Chilet (Bar-Ilan University) (joint with Cuicui Chen, State University of New York at Albany, Jing Li, MIT Sloan School of Management, Mathias Reynaert, Toulouse School of Economics and CEPR).

Seminario Académico CEA-MIPP 23-06-2021 - Daniel Schwartz Perlroth (DII-U. DE CHILE) por web Zoom

The Rise of a Nudge: Field Experiment and Machine Learning on Minimum and Full Credit Card Payments
Daniel Schwartz Perlroth –

Seminario Académico CEA-MIPP por web zoom16-06-2021 - Pablo Muñoz FGV EPGE – 12:00 PM Santiago

Managers’ Productivity and Recruitment in the Public Sector: The Case of School Principals
Pablo Muñoz, FGV EPGE Brazilian School of Economics and Finance (with Mounu Prem)

Seminario Académico CEA- MIPP por web Zoom - 26 de mayo de 2021 – 12:00 PM Santiago

Specific Investment and Contract Design: Evidence from Public Transportation
Guillermo Diaz (UNAB) (joint with Kei Kawai, Andre Trindade).