
Seminario CEA-MIPP - MIERCOLES 26/04/2023, 12:30 HRS - Beauchef 851, piso4

DII - From Deforestation to Reforestation: The Role of General Deterrence in Changing Farmer's Behavior. Ricardo Dahis (PUC-Rio)

From Deforestation to Reforestation: The Role of General Deterrence in Changing Farmer’s Behavior
Presenta: Ricardo Dahis (PUC-Rio)

Seminario CEA-MIPP - MIERCOLES 12/04/2023, 12:30 HRS - Sala Consejo (401), Beauchef 851, piso4

DII - Rubén Poblete-Cazeneve (Erasmus University Rotterdam)

An Empirically Inspired Theory of Turnout and Voting (with Otto Swank)
Presenta: Rubén Poblete-Cazeneve (Erasmus University Rotterdam)

Seminario CEA-MIPP - MIERCOLES 29/03/2023, 12:30 HRS - Sala Consejo (401), Beauchef 851, piso4

DII - Sumit Agarwal (National University of Singapore)

Supporting Seniors: How Low-Income Elderly Individuals Respond to a Retirement Support Program.
Presenta: Sumit Agarwal (National University of Singapore)

Seminario Académico CEA-MIPP - VIERNES 24/03/2023, 16:15 HRS - Sala Consejo (401), Beauchef 851 - Costas Meghir (Yale University)

Child Development Interventions: Impacts and Mechanism
Presenta: Costas Meghir (Yale University)

Seminario Académico CEA-MIPP - MIERCOLES 15/03/2023, 12:00 HRS - Sala Consejo (401), Beauchef 851 - Georgy Egorov (Northwestern University) - Mehdi Shadmehr (UNC Chapell Hill)

Más información se encuentra disponible en la página web MIPP:

Seminario Académico CEA-MIPP - MIERCOLES 30 NOVIEMBRE, 12:00 HRS - Sala 316, Beauchef 851, piso 3, DII - Andre Groeger (UAB)

Does Foreign Aid Reduce Migration? Micro-Evidence from World Bank Projects.
Presenta: Andre Groeger (UAB)

Seminario Académico CEA-MIPP - MIERCOLES 23 NOVIEMBRE, 12:00 HRS - Sala Consejo (401), Beauchef 851, piso4

DII - Juan Dubra (University of Montevideo)

Incentives and Burnout: Dynamic Compensation Design With Effort Cost Spillover
Presenta: Juan Dubra (University of Montevideo)

Seminario Académico CEA-MIPP - MIERCOLES 17 NOVIEMBRE, 14:00 HRS - Sala Consejo (401), Beauchef 851, piso4

DII - Christopher Campos (Chicago Booth)

Social Interactions and Preferences for Schools: Experimental Evidence from Los Angeles
Presenta: Christopher Campos (Chicago Booth)

Seminario Académico CEA-MIPP - MIERCOLES 16 NOVIEMBRE, 12:00 HRS - Sala Consejo (401), Beauchef 851, piso4

DII - Nicolás Riquelme (Universidad de los Andes)

Information exchange through secret vertical contracts.
Presenta: Nicolás Riquelme (Universidad de los Andes)

Seminario Académico CEA-MIPP - MIERCOLES 9 NOVIEMBRE, 12:00 HRS - Beauchef 851, piso 3, sala 316 - DII - Italo López (University Southern California)

But what happens next? Sustained impacts of a group-based parenting intervention to promote early childhood development in rural Kenya.
Presenta: Italo López (University Southern California)

Seminario Académico CEA-MIPP - MIERCOLES 26 DE OCTUBRE, 12:00 HRS - Beauchef 851, piso 3, sala 316 - DII- Miriam Artiles (PUC)

Within-Group Heterogeneity in a Multi-Ethnic Society
Presenta: Miriam Artiles (PUC)

Seminario Académico CEA-MIPP - MIERCOLES 19 DE OCTUBRE, 12:00 HRS - Sala 316, Beauchef 851, piso 3 - Gian Luca Carniglia (UAI)

Academic Job Market Signaling
Presenta: Gian Luca Carniglia (UAI)