The effects of horizontal and vertical separation of powers in constitutions
Socioemotional Skills Development in Highly Violent Contexts : Measurements and Impacts
«Private Finance of Public Infrastructure». Eduardo Engel, Ronald Fischer y Alexander Galetovic.
The Limits of Hegemony: Banks, Covert Actions, and Foreign Firms
Quality Disclosure and Regulation: Scoring Design in Medicare Advantage
Quality Regulation and Competition: Evidence from Pharmaceutical Markets
The Dynamic Consequences of State-Building: Evidence from the French Revolution
Fecha: 01 Diciembre a las 12:00 hrs.
How Large Are Double Markups
Presenta: Elisa Durán Micco (Post Doc MIPP).
Coalition loyalty programs and consumer search
Presenta: Jose Ignacio Heresi (Post Doc MIPP), en coautoría con Xavier Lambin.
Dynamic Incentives in Retirement Earnings-Replacement Benefits
Mariana Zerpa (University of Leuven)